Wednesday, 10 July 2013


If you are a designer, you know that at times flats can be the bane of your existence.  This dress was that moment for me.  Generally, I enjoy sitting back and drawing out flats...but good lord, this was torture.

If you happen to be more of a blue print kind of person, you will definitely enjoy these more than the artistic rendering of Ronni's wedding gown.  If you're looking at these, confused as to why I would even display them, it's because the flats are a vital part of the dress making process.  I sent off my flats to the manufacturer and from there, they can take them and know exactly what I'm thinking and how to create a flat pattern.  I love seeing a flat up against an artistic rendering because both parts are so important for a designer to see the entire vision, it's remarkable how dress makers can take this as well and without me even speaking to them they can understand the direction I am wanting to take.  Yeah for flats!!

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